Fear of Mothering
As a new mom myself, I have a 2 year old and a 12 week old.
I won't say that I have a lot of experience, but enough to help some mothers out there.
A mother-to-be is always full of fear and worry.
Granted, there are a lot of things to worry about, but almost always everything works out just fine.
A big fear is labor itself, but with classes, that can immensely help reduce your fears of not knowing.
Pregnancy is a long time to worry about anything and everything.
Yes, 9 months doesn't seem that long to most people, but when you are pregnant, it feels like years are passing by.
Usually once you hear the heartbeat and even see your little one on an ultrasound, and everything is fine.
Then you will start to worry about actually becoming a mother.
Everyone will tell you that everything comes with instinct.
Well unless you are one of the few that have extensive experience with babies, instinct doesn't always come right away.
After delivering your baby, you are handed this baby, looking not so much like you pictured.
With usually a cone-head look, wrinkly, and crying.
There are many times that a mother feels guilty because there is not that amazing bond that you are "supposed" to get as soon as you lay eyes on your child.
For most women, real bonding takes time.
Do not feel like a bad mother as I did, because this bond wasn't like they show on the television.
Also most first time mothers have no idea what to do.
I will use myself as an example.
My daughter was taken away for her bath and all of that fun medical stuff they have to check.
When they brought her back to me she was sleeping.
I was exhausted from the labor and when she woke up crying I had absolutely no idea what to do.
I rang and rang the nurse button, "She's crying, she's crying and I don't know what to do" I explained in somewhat of a panic.
She asked what I had done to try to calm her and I just told her that I didn't know what to do.
With a grin on her face, she pulled out a bottle and helped me change her first diaper and then my daughter was as content as could be.
My instincts did not come to me right away.
When I left the hospital I was terrified of not doing anything right.
New moms need all kinds of help, especially during those first few days.
Take advice from some, but take most of it with a grain of salt.
Your pediatrician knows what is best and is there for you to ask any questions that come up.
If you are pregnant and wanting a little training before hand and you have a friend with a baby, try babysitting.
There are also parenting baby classes that can be extremely helpful.
I did not know that these baby classes were available until after my baby was a few months old.
Guaranteed, you will be okay.
In time you will get it all figured out and you will be a pro in a few weeks.
You will be tired, but you will be able to tell what your baby needs by just the cry alone.
Babies will have different cries for different things that they are needing.
As long as trying, it will come natural to you in time.
So for all of you mothers out there scared of when that due day comes, don't be.
Make sure you have some help lined up and you will do just fine.
Stressing on everything will just affect you further.
I won't say that I have a lot of experience, but enough to help some mothers out there.
A mother-to-be is always full of fear and worry.
Granted, there are a lot of things to worry about, but almost always everything works out just fine.
A big fear is labor itself, but with classes, that can immensely help reduce your fears of not knowing.
Pregnancy is a long time to worry about anything and everything.
Yes, 9 months doesn't seem that long to most people, but when you are pregnant, it feels like years are passing by.
Usually once you hear the heartbeat and even see your little one on an ultrasound, and everything is fine.
Then you will start to worry about actually becoming a mother.
Everyone will tell you that everything comes with instinct.
Well unless you are one of the few that have extensive experience with babies, instinct doesn't always come right away.
After delivering your baby, you are handed this baby, looking not so much like you pictured.
With usually a cone-head look, wrinkly, and crying.
There are many times that a mother feels guilty because there is not that amazing bond that you are "supposed" to get as soon as you lay eyes on your child.
For most women, real bonding takes time.
Do not feel like a bad mother as I did, because this bond wasn't like they show on the television.
Also most first time mothers have no idea what to do.
I will use myself as an example.
My daughter was taken away for her bath and all of that fun medical stuff they have to check.
When they brought her back to me she was sleeping.
I was exhausted from the labor and when she woke up crying I had absolutely no idea what to do.
I rang and rang the nurse button, "She's crying, she's crying and I don't know what to do" I explained in somewhat of a panic.
She asked what I had done to try to calm her and I just told her that I didn't know what to do.
With a grin on her face, she pulled out a bottle and helped me change her first diaper and then my daughter was as content as could be.
My instincts did not come to me right away.
When I left the hospital I was terrified of not doing anything right.
New moms need all kinds of help, especially during those first few days.
Take advice from some, but take most of it with a grain of salt.
Your pediatrician knows what is best and is there for you to ask any questions that come up.
If you are pregnant and wanting a little training before hand and you have a friend with a baby, try babysitting.
There are also parenting baby classes that can be extremely helpful.
I did not know that these baby classes were available until after my baby was a few months old.
Guaranteed, you will be okay.
In time you will get it all figured out and you will be a pro in a few weeks.
You will be tired, but you will be able to tell what your baby needs by just the cry alone.
Babies will have different cries for different things that they are needing.
As long as trying, it will come natural to you in time.
So for all of you mothers out there scared of when that due day comes, don't be.
Make sure you have some help lined up and you will do just fine.
Stressing on everything will just affect you further.