Conservation Grants for Kids' Schools in Missouri
- Conservation topics include recycling, the environment and conserving natural resources.recycling 3d image by Tomislav from
Missouri teachers educate their students on a variety of conservation topics, including recycling, the environment and natural resources. Grants are available to educators and schools for conservation projects that enhance students' comprehension of conserving natural resources and the environment. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency encourages environmental education projects; it awards grants, fellowships and awards to educators and students for conservation and environmental education projects. - The Missouri Department of Conservation administers the Conserving Missouri's Aquatic Ecosystems Grant Program through its Discover Nature Schools program. This program allows schools in Missouri to apply for grants up to $1,000 for hands-on projects that teach students about conserving their environment. Only one grant will be awarded per school.
The Missouri Department of Conservation also awards grants in amounts up to $700 for Conservation K-3 Field Trips. Educators must use funds to provide classroom trips to nature habitats or outdoor classroom experiences. Other grant programs available through the Missouri Department of Conservation include Nature Unbound Grants for $250 for classroom use and the Nature Unleashed Grants for $1,000 for outdoor classrooms. Deadlines vary by program.
Missouri Department of Conservation
P.O. Box 180
Jefferson City, MO 65102 - The Missouri Department of Natural Resources administers grants through the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Grants are available to schools, cities and county governments for outdoor recreation projects. Grant amounts vary, but the maximum award is $75,000. There is one deadline annually. Recent grant recipients include the Seneca R-7 School District and City of Seneca for the Seneca Multi-Recreational Park and the City of Higginsville for renovation of the girls' softball field.
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102
800-334-6946 - The National Education Association (NEA) Foundation offers two green grant programs. The Big Green Help Public Education Grants program is sponsored by the NEA and Nickelodeon. This grant programs offers $5,000 grants to kindergarten through eighth grade public school teachers and educators in the United States for enhancing green teaching lessons and projects for their students.
The Green Grants to Public School Educators program is sponsored by the NEA and the Staples Foundation. The program awards grants for $2,000 and $5,000 to public school teachers in the United States for green-related lessons and programs that teach about the environment and aid in academic improvement in all areas. Deadlines for both programs are February 1, June 1 and October 15.
The NEA Foundation
1201 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036