Family & Relationships

How Kids Can Support the Family

Having a family is one of the greatest gifts that God has given us. Not all children have the opportunity to have one. Some children grew up in foster homes and have never known their parents. One way of showing that you appreciate the gift of family is having the desire to help support the family. You can show your support to your family physically, emotionally and financially. Here are some ways on how you can show your support.

In the physical aspect, you can help in the household chores and responsibilities at home. You can sweep small areas in your house by using the broom and dustpan. You can also clean bathroom sinks and hang up your towel after bath. In the kitchen, you can help in the meal preparation like stirring and tearing lettuce or other vegetables. After meals, you can help clearing the dishes on the table and putting them in the sink or you can help loading them in the dishwasher. After that, you can take out the garbage instead of letting your mother do it. You can also help with folding your clothes after drying. During bedtime, you can start preparing your own bed. It would also be of great help if you start, as early as of now, to care for your pets.

In the emotional aspect, you can support the family by behaving in the best way possible. You should always show respect to your parents and siblings. When you have a point, you can express it in a nice way. Talking back to your parents will hurt them a lot. When you can see that your parents are tired, you can give them a simple head massage. When they have problems, you can ask them if they are willing to talk it over. If they say "No", then you should understand and it is better if you stay in your bedroom. Always show love with your siblings. Share what you have to them and avoid having arguments. Being a supportive child and sibling would greatly make your family happy and united.

In the financial aspect, you can help in your family's finances by learning how to budget your own money. Do not buy things that are not needed. Avoid buying junk foods as these can bring you no good. When you have plenty of toys, do not oblige your parents to buy you new ones because your friend has a new toy. You must be contented of what you have. Also, you must be a good steward of your personal things so that those things would last and so that your parents can allocate the money for other important things. Do not waste food, electricity and water as these can help minimize the bills and expenses that your parents spend every month. These tips can teach you on how to be responsible even at an early stage of life. You can apply these even when you grow up someday.

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