Technology Software

Your Ordinary Xml File Clarified

Hey, my name is Claire Reynolds. You are welcome to my '5 minute XML' series where I give you regular bite size tutorials.

Today's matter is for those of you that are new to XML, is about the basics of XML.

The ensuing example is a three line snippet demonstrating a well shaped XML file, in it's most straightforward possible kind. It may well be entered by making use of a very simple text editor in addition to any of the XML editor now available. When ever producing the actual document away file-name ought to finish with a .xml.


Content of box


Q. So, exactly what do the three lines previously mentioned mean?

A. The [box] ... [/box] present an starting and ending tag pair, called an element. The element delivers a holder for some content. In this scenario "Content of box". The element string "box" is really simply a expression I've picked to best discuss this particular content. The string inside the closing tag really should perpetually match the string within the opening tag but also for just one detail; the element term needs to be preceded with a forward slash as shown. This is very important.

Q. What is it for and even specifically what does it do?

A. An XML file just stores data. In this instance "Content of box" and also it will want to retain this data in a self-describing fashion. In our example using the [box] ... [/box] element.

Q. Why will you want to do that?

A. XML will provide computer programs and different os's with a approach where they're able to exchange information in an unambiguous method. XML can be described as standard format that is certainly greatly acknowledged and also used across the industry and has evolved very little since its creation. As a result, just about any program might be written to read the above mentioned XML file dependably and make utilization of its content. Another program could possibly be created to update the 'box' content of the file. XML files ordinarily have more difficult data sets to be practical nevertheless the above 3 lines of code show precisely how very simple such a file can be and that it usually is read by people in addition to machines.

Observe: XML is an acronym for eXtensible Mark-up Language. It's a mark-up language, not much of a programming language. Its function is usually to describe a class of data objects called an XML Document. Files can be as intricate or as fundamental as is needed. A great deal of information is available on XML for those who would want to find out. For the definitive guide, visit

I hope the above mentioned is beneficial to someone out there. More content will likely be coming shortly.

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