What to Do When You Bomb a Room for Bed Bugs?
- Follow the instructions on the cans of bug bomb you are using. Different brands sometimes call for different ways of operating them, so pay very close attention to instructions. Read different brands and formulas of bug bombs to select the one that is best for ridding your home of bedbugs.
- Give your home a quick cleaning over while removing any bedding from furniture in the home. If you have closets with exposed clothing and bedding, remove these items as well. Open all of your closets in the rooms you are bombing, and close all of the windows. If necessary, press lengths of masking tape around the cracks of your windows to further seal them.
- Schedule a time early in the morning to bomb the house to rid it of bedbugs because around eight hours must pass for the bombs to work. During this time, children in the home should be at school or with a sitter and pets should also be out of the home, including fish and reptiles. Bug bombs are powerful enough to kill adult humans if they are trapped within a sealed home being bombed, so schedule time for the home to be unoccupied for the entire duration of the bombing.
- Open all of the doors and windows of your home. Clean and launder everything in the room thoroughly after bug bombing is complete to wash away the residual poison, which can be harmful to your system as well as to pets and children. Wash your clothing, bedding and any other fabric item that came into contact with the bug bomb, which also helps rid the area of dead or dying bedbugs and eggs. Vacuum and shampoo your carpets to further clean the environment.