Health & Medical Food & Drink

Go Ahead for That Second Cup of Coffee - It Is Good for You!

We Americans have a passion for coffee, thus it is often believed that the benefits of coffee are one of many reasons why people are energized every day to achieve success in their lives.
When the world wakes up in the morning the number one choice of drink is coffee.
Despite the beverage's popularity, however, the controversy surrounding the health benefits of coffee has not yielded very much usable information.
Before you drink your next cup of coffee you may want to discover some of the significant health benefits this magic elixir can offer you and your body.
So what is the number one health benefit of drinking coffee? Answer: increased mental awareness! The act of waking up is often an interesting give and take between the mind and body.
Why is it that our body may take some time to fully become awake? A question we all ask ourselves every day I am sure.
Caffeine, which is found in coffee, is the drug that provides that new feeling of being energized in the morning.
Mental as well as emotional processes are significantly improved as a result of ingesting caffeine.
It is very easy for each of us to become emotionally addicted to the benefits of caffeine once the cognitive benefit of caffeine is experienced on a regular basis.
Although the studies that indicate this information offer little in the way of causality, there has been made a correlation between coffee consumption and Alzheimer's disease prevention.
With Alzheimer's being unable to affect the brain of a coffee drinker as readily as a non-coffee drinker (my theory) is that there must be some direct correlation between this magical brew and these very interesting Alzheimer's results.
It is believed by many that mental inactivity is a significant contributor to Alzheimer's thus the consumption of coffee/caffeine keeps the mind stimulated and mentally engaged.
For all the seniors out there this must be terrific news as it must be more appealing to have a nice hot coffee beverage knowing it could be a contributing factor in holding off Alzheimer's.
An unexpected benefit of coffee consumption is improved digestion and bowel movements.
This fact alone is prompting me to visit Starbucks later today.
Especially with age, the peristaltic muscles of the colon (the muscles that move matter along) can weaken and are even susceptible to cancerous growths.
By drinking coffee on a regular basis, resulting in prolonged caffeine consumption, the body better regulates digestion and even has the ability to better prevent colon cancer.
If you like decaffeinated coffee you are not being left out in regards to these health benefits as both decaffeinated and regular coffee helps prevent constipation.
Hopefully, many conscientious coffee guzzlers are on the edges of their seats as the research behind the health benefits of coffee continues to reveal positive results.
While I always thought coffee was a non-essential drink requiring an acquired taste, I now view coffee in a whole new light.
I think I will go visit my local Starbucks later today and order myself a double espresso, or better yet I'll go search espresso machine reviews on the internet and get myself an espresso machine!

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