Why Your Penis May Never Get Any Bigger!
What technique of penis enlargement are you using? Is it safe? Confusion reigns when trying to learn how to increase your penis size.
Sadly, that confusion could be why your penis may never get any bigger! Many techniques being sold today will do nothing to bring about additional size.
Some of the methods being sold are even down right dangerous! Believe it or not, this includes the popular male enhancement pills.
Here is a brief look at what makes these methods so dangerous.
The male enhancement pills that are advertised so often on television may be one of the most dangerous methods of all.
The ingredients, while listed as herbal, and natural, may in fact be anything but natural! It has been recently discovered that some ingredients are a synthetic blend of the drugs known as PDE-5 inhibitors used in Viagra and Levitra.
Those prescription drugs come with a warning that they may be harmful, and should not be used by anyone with certain heart conditions.
They also warn against taking the drug if you are using some medications for chest pain, such as angina, as they could cause a sudden drop in blood pressure.
The enhancement pills using the synthetic versions do not come with any such warnings.
If you are planning to take male enhancement pills, please be extra cautious.
You should also be aware that there is no pill on earth that will make your penis any bigger! Some guys have tried penis pumps and other gadgets to increase the size of their penises.
These gadgets are worthless for providing permanent growth, and they can cause serious injuries, too.
Minor injuries, such as blisters and bruises are common.
More serious injuries can occur, too.
Broken blood vessels, and torn capillaries can leave you with a deformed penis, and could even cause permanent impotence.
If you are using one of these devices, that could be why your penis may never get any bigger! The injuries will keep the corpora cavernosa from expanding, and growing in a necessary fashion to provide penile growth.
You should avoid these contraptions for your own good.
Here is how to increase your penis size safely, and without any pills or contraptions.
Just get a good program of natural penile exercises and follow them exactly as written.
As simple as it sounds, penile exercise really does work! Clinical trials have proven that gains of from 1 to 4 inches in length, and up to 2 inches in girth are quite common.
The exercises are safe, too, because all you use are your hands to apply the gentle pressure needed to force growth.
The gains you get will not be fast.
It may take a few months, but each and every inch you gain will be permanent.
Why risk injury from silly gadgets, or health problems and possibly even death from falsely labeled male enhancement pills? Get a good program of natural penile exercises and start a real growing process in your pants!
Sadly, that confusion could be why your penis may never get any bigger! Many techniques being sold today will do nothing to bring about additional size.
Some of the methods being sold are even down right dangerous! Believe it or not, this includes the popular male enhancement pills.
Here is a brief look at what makes these methods so dangerous.
The male enhancement pills that are advertised so often on television may be one of the most dangerous methods of all.
The ingredients, while listed as herbal, and natural, may in fact be anything but natural! It has been recently discovered that some ingredients are a synthetic blend of the drugs known as PDE-5 inhibitors used in Viagra and Levitra.
Those prescription drugs come with a warning that they may be harmful, and should not be used by anyone with certain heart conditions.
They also warn against taking the drug if you are using some medications for chest pain, such as angina, as they could cause a sudden drop in blood pressure.
The enhancement pills using the synthetic versions do not come with any such warnings.
If you are planning to take male enhancement pills, please be extra cautious.
You should also be aware that there is no pill on earth that will make your penis any bigger! Some guys have tried penis pumps and other gadgets to increase the size of their penises.
These gadgets are worthless for providing permanent growth, and they can cause serious injuries, too.
Minor injuries, such as blisters and bruises are common.
More serious injuries can occur, too.
Broken blood vessels, and torn capillaries can leave you with a deformed penis, and could even cause permanent impotence.
If you are using one of these devices, that could be why your penis may never get any bigger! The injuries will keep the corpora cavernosa from expanding, and growing in a necessary fashion to provide penile growth.
You should avoid these contraptions for your own good.
Here is how to increase your penis size safely, and without any pills or contraptions.
Just get a good program of natural penile exercises and follow them exactly as written.
As simple as it sounds, penile exercise really does work! Clinical trials have proven that gains of from 1 to 4 inches in length, and up to 2 inches in girth are quite common.
The exercises are safe, too, because all you use are your hands to apply the gentle pressure needed to force growth.
The gains you get will not be fast.
It may take a few months, but each and every inch you gain will be permanent.
Why risk injury from silly gadgets, or health problems and possibly even death from falsely labeled male enhancement pills? Get a good program of natural penile exercises and start a real growing process in your pants!