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How Many Dollars Are in One Pound?

    Current Exchange Rates

    • At the current exchange rate as of July 20, 2009, one British Pound is worth $1.65294. However, this rate changes on a daily basis.

    Historical Exchange Rates

    • Exchange rates can change rapidly. For example, in mid-2008, the Pound was worth nearly $2.00. It then began to decline, however, and in January 2009, it dropped to as low as $1.38.

    What Causes Exchange Rates to Change?

    • Exchange rates can change based on a variety of factors, including interest rates, inflation, the government budget deficit, and the economic outlook in the respective countries.

    Cash Versus Traveler's Checks

    • Exchange rates are usually less favorable for traveler's checks than for cash. This difference is usually not that great, however.

    More Information

    • There are a number of good sources for current exchange rate information. Rates are published daily in The Wall Street Journal and are available online from several websites. See the "Resources" section for more information.

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