Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids - Treat the Effects - Or Attack the Root Causes?

Hemorrhoids is becoming a major problem in our Western society.
The symptoms of this complaint are not obvious to an observer, but the itching, burning, and bleeding in and around the anal area are painfully obvious to the sufferer! The conditions mentioned manifest themselves when the veins around the anus become swollen, often due to excessive straining when the person tries to pass a motion.
The condition is a circle that continually repeats itself; and it is this repetitive circle that has to be broken if the sufferer is to obtain relief.
Often the root cause is poor diet that is deficient in roughage such as bran, oats and grain products, along with fresh fruit and vegetables.
A lack of these in your diet will lead to constipation and an attempt by the person to pass stools that are too solid.
This will lead to excessive straining which leads to pressure being applied to the veins in the anal area; and a vein under repeated pressure will turn into an inflamed and swollen vein - which is a hemorrhoid.
That is the circle of cause and effect.
The usual way for the medical profession to deal with this is to treat the effects - and ignore the causes.
Itching, burning or bleeding hemorrhoids can all be relieved with traditional medication, but along with that can come other unpleasant side-effects which always accompany the use of petro-chemical based medicines.
The effects of hemorrhoids can be completely eliminated by the use of natural remedies but the difference with natural treatments is that the causes are addressed at the same time as giving the patient relief from pain or irritation.
Divorce cause from effect and you are left with the unpleasant effects of hemorrhoids that will go round and round in the circle of suffering that I described previously.
Go down the natural route, a route that treats the whole complaint, and promises you a permanent and lasting solution to your problems.

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