Technology Software

How to Merge Photos for Editing

    • 1). Click the Windows icon to go to the Windows 7 "Start" menu. Type "Paint" in the search box and select the Paint program from the list. You will recognize the icon for Windows 7 Paint from its palette icon.

    • 2). Click the blue icon with an arrow in the upper-left corner of the Paint window. Click "Open," browse the "Pictures" library and select a background photo. The background photo is the picture you want to position beneath or behind the other pictures. Keep the file open.

    • 3). Launch another copy of Paint. Click "Open" and select another photo that you want to merge with the background. Click "Open" to display the file.

    • 4). Click the arrow on the "Pencil" button on the Paint ribbon. Choose a size by clicking the "Size" button and selecting from the drop-down list. Pick a color from the color palette. The color must not be present anywhere in the part of the photo you want to use.

    • 5). Click and draw over the areas of the photo that you do not want to use in the photo composite.

    • 6). Click the arrow on the "Select" button on the Paint ribbon. Click the rectangular selection tool and drag a rectangle around the desired area in the picture.

    • 7). Click "Copy" from the Paint ribbon.

    • 8). Go back to the background photo you opened in Paint earlier. Click the arrow below the "Select" group of tools. Check "Transparent selection."

    • 9). Click "Color 2" on the Paint button. Select a color that is the same as the color you chose for the other photo.

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      Click "Paste." Without deselecting the photo you just copied, move it around the background photo to where you would like to place it. Click "Resize" if you would like to resize the photo by percentage or pixel. You should now see the foreground photo merged with the photo in the background.

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