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What Is the Youth Correction Act?


    • The originators of the Youth Correction Authority Act were members of the American Law Institute. A survey was performed to research the acceptance of the act by the American Psychiatric Association.

    Time of Introduction

    • The bills that include most of the features of the act were introduced to seven states in 1940, 1941 and 1942. They were introduced to Kansas, Wisconsin, New York, Illinois, California, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

    Survey Results

    • The American Psychiatric Association followed the results of the survey regarding the acceptance of the bills. Only California introduced and accepted the bills in 1941. The other six states did not pass the bills after they were introduced.

    Act Details

    • One portion of the Youth Correction Act says, "If the court desires additional information as to whether a youth offender will derive benefit from treatment under subsection (b), it may order that he be committed to the custody of the director for observation and study."

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