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Art Book Review - The Works of Marc Chagall

Marc Chagall was undoubtedly one of the greatest Twentieth Century Painters of Europe, and his art and legendary status has withstood the test of time.
Few could ever match his incredible productivity and ability to capture the imagination of his viewers.
As a connoisseur of fine art, I am pleased to tell you that if you are interested in the life and times, and art of Chagall, then I have the perfect book for you.
One you will wish to display on your coffee table at home or give as a high-end gift to a lover of the arts in your family.
The book is: "Chagall" by Susan Compton; BAS Printers Unlimited, Hampshire, England; 1985.
ISBN: 0-87633-062-6.
This is one of the best collections of Marc Chagall's work I've ever seen, in a 275 plus page book that is fully illustrated with the history, era, the art, and the style.
The exhibit that accompanied this collector's edition book was at the Philadelphia Museum of Art from the Royal Academy of Arts.
The book explains that Marc's Russian Heritage is often over looked as this great artisan is known for his work in Paris France, nevertheless originally he was from Russia.
Marc Chagall was a genius and few art historians will deny it.
Indeed, he was of the greats of his time and his experience and observations of life show through to his work.
This book is well footnoted, with background references and fact checking all available, nothing is hidden from the reader.
Please consider this book, it's the best book I've ever found on Chagall.

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