Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Asthma Drug

These are taken to control, prevent and relieve the attacks.
Asthma has no cure.
Asthma drugs can only be taken to control, prevent and relieve the symptoms.
The drugs should only be taken after a prescription from an asthma doctor.
According to how severe the attacks are, the doctor will determine the strength of the medications.
Some drugs can only be given when one is admitted in to a hospital.
This is for the chronic asthma patients.
Asthma drugs can either be in the form of injections, tablets or inhalers.
These medications should always be taken in the correct dosage.
Proper diagnosis from an asthma doctor is necessary before a prescription is given.
The doctor's instructions should be followed to the letter.
If the attacks do not reduce or the condition worsens, you should go back to the doctor for another diagnosis.
This way, the doctor will know whether to change the asthma drug for you or continue you on the same.
When one knows what triggers an attack, asthma drugs to protect an attack can be taken.
The causes are many and differ in different people.
These causes can either be allergic reactions, family history of asthma, air pollution, irritants at work places and viral infections.
Allergic reactions can be caused by animals, pollen, house dust mites, weather conditions, mold and fungi.
Drugs to stop allergic reaction when one gets into contact with the triggers can be taken.
Just like other asthma drugs, a doctor's prescription is necessary.
A person suffering from asthma should let those around him know his condition.
In case of an attack, one can get the necessary help from those around.

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