Health & Medical Men's Health

Jes Extender Review - How Good is the Device in Gaining Penis Enlargement

Like how women are constantly worrying about their figure, men are known to be bothered about the size of their penis.
They believe that the size of the penis has lots to do with virility and sexual stamina and people with smaller sized members often feel insecure and have difficulties in performing in bed.
Earlier, there was nothing one could do to improve the size of their penis.
Thanks to advances in research and technology, you now have options like the Jes Extender, a clinically proven device to help you improve the size of your penis than what nature has endowed you with.
If you are wondering what exactly the Jes Extender is and how it helps in penis enlargement, you should know that this device is one which works on traction mechanism and helps in improving the size of the penis, both in length and girth.
The device is clinically proven and has been endorsed by medical professionals for its efficiency in gaining penis enlargement keeping safety concerns in mind.
The Jes extender comes in four parts that comprise of a ring that fits onto the penis at the base.
There are two arms that are attached to the base and have spring action in them and are fitted with screws to make adjustments.
There is a tube like structure made out of soft silicone material to grip the penis head.
There is also extension rods provided to use once the penis length begins to go up.
So, how does the Jes Extender work? The device makes use of traction mechanism that is constantly and successfully used in orthopedics to get increase in length by applying some force.
The body has a unique adjustability to a small amount of force being applied to it constantly by causing cellular division and tissue growth.
This principle is used in the traction device like the Jes extender.
Advantages of Using the Jes Extender: 1.
The most important of all is the size gains that one can see from wearing the device.
The wearer will not only observe an increase in the length of the penis but it does wonders to the girth of the penis too.
The device is known to help correct abnormal curvature in the penis caused by accumulation of plaque, a condition known as Peyronie's disease.
The blood supply to the penis improves making erections much firmer and stronger lasting much longer.
Size improvement and better quality of erections help in improving the confidence of the person to perform in bed.
Not only the erect length of the penis improves, the length of the penis while flaccid also becomes more.
The Jes extender comes to you with a training program that will make the efficiency of the device much better along with making your efforts safer.

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