Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

Semi-Exclusive Mortgage Leads - Not All Leads Are Created Equal!

As it stands, it is difficult to say a business lead is exclusive at all.
Even if a company only sells the lead to one loan officer, insurance broker, or some other type sales person, the average consumer looking for information on a product or service fills-out approximately three online forms.
So, when you start talking about "semi" or "non" exclusive the waters get even murkier as to how many individual companies or sales professionals are competing for that prospect.
Depending on the company, a semi-exclusive prospect may be sold from 2-5 times.
However, each company adheres to a different set of ethical practices that will realistically affect how many times it is actually sold.
Some companies will actually sell a mortgage lead, for example, more times than they say the it is actually sold.
Some will not only sell it as a "mortgage lead", but then will also sell it again as a "loan modification", "debt", or some other lead type, etc.
Some companies don't care who they sell the it to and will knowingly sell to a lead aggregator who then re-sells the it multiple times.
So, realistically you can have one prospect that is contacted 15-20 times! From my experience, companies that do their due diligence and do some checking into who you are buying your leads from will afford the best opportunity of purchasing the lead product that you think you are getting.
Also, make sure to actually speak with someone at the company prior to any purchase.
Companies that try to sell you leads by just logging into a website and making a purchase may not be looking out for your best interests.
Personally, I can get a good feel of a company and what type of business model they follow by speaking to a representative of that company.
Is the sales person just trying to push you into something that is going to make him the most commission or is he really listening to your needs and trying to find the best solution for your particular situation? There are some good companies out there, and once you find the right one you can create a healthy flow of quality leads that will maximize your ROI.

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