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These 3 Tips May Save Your Relationship After Your Break Up

If you have just endured a relationship break up I know how tough it can be. If you are asking if its possible you can save your relationship that will be decided by on your specific situation. Below you will find three tips that might help make a difference for you.

Before you make any effort toward getting your ex back, be sure you want to do this for all the right reasons. If you just cant face letting them go because you will feel lonely or think they belong to you and no one else, then you need to reconsider attempting to get them back. Those are not justifiable reasons for saving a relationship.

If you have decided you want to get your ex back for reasons that make sense, here are a few tips which may help.

1. You must realize that if you are to save your relationship, you cannot do all the work yourself. Your ex must be willing and able to meet you halfway to make it work. Too many times only one person tends to be the one fixing things, if that sounds like you this is something you cannot do by yourself without some commitment from your partner.

2. When you communicate with your ex, you each must keep away from criticizing or condemning each other. This can only build more anger and bitterness and decrease the chance of resolving issues. In a sense you would be erecting a wall between you that would be difficult to break down.

If the two of you have trouble communicating and are prepared to make another go at your relationship, possibly counseling or a good relationship repair book could help. There are lots of resources available to help most circumstances that are encountered.

3. If you did something to cause the break up, take ownership of it. It can be difficult taking the blame, but if you deny being at fault or blame someone else your chances of reuniting are slim. After owning up to it, make a genuine apology to you ex for your actions. This may be all that is needed by your ex to get the ball rolling.

By following these three tips you could be on the path to saving your relationship. Do not assume you will fix things overnight but if the two of you are prepared to work together you have a chance to get back into the relationship both of you want.

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