Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

How to Clean Spray Paint Guns

    • 1). Disassemble your gun and place the pieces into the bucket. Remove the reservoir cup, twist off any protective pieces covering the spray tip and place them into the bucket. Loosen the tip with your adjustable wrench, then unscrew and remove it by hand.

    • 2). Pour paint thinner onto a rag and wipe each piece clean, paying particular attention to crevices and venting holes. Place the pieces onto clean rags so that the thinner can evaporate before you reassemble the paint spray gun.

    • 3). Scrub the tip and other smaller pieces with a toothbrush. Hold the pieces over the bucket to clean them so that the thinner will not spill onto the floor. Wipe away any debris with a rag.

    • 4). Allow all of the pieces to dry for one hour. Reassemble the spray paint gun, being careful not to over-tighten and damage the tip.

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