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R4 - Revolution For Nintendo DS

The Nintendo DS is the most popular gaming console in the world, as an upgrade to the ever popular Game Boy. Nintendo over the past few decades has carved a niche market for itself, rivaled by no one; every major electronic manufacturer has a portable game console, but none that can hold a candle to the Nintendo's. The only grievance of Nintendo users is that the Nintendos are only capable of playing games. It is a revolutionary re-writable removable media for the Nintendo DS. The Nintendo DS doesn't come with a removable media, thus making this the best option.

Nintendo DS and removable media

Removable media acts as so much more than just storage and opens numerable avenues adding functionality of watching movies, listening to music, and reading e-books. It also allows the usage of homebrew applications and games, which are not only more cost effective for the user, but also provide many more games and applications to the official ones released by Nintendo.

There are thousands of games and applications ranging from skins, to organizers, movie and audio players, picture browsers, and even image software that reads e books as images, one page as an image at a time.

The R4DS card

The card was named as a Revolution for (4) Nintendo. And it lives up to its name, it's a tiny little adapter which accepts micro SD cards, and is used as a removable media which is explained in the paragraphs above. The card looks just like the standard Nintendo DS cards, which mean it fits right into your console like a normal cartridge would.

Applications in the Nintendo DS

They do an amazing job empowering your Nintendo to do whatever you aspire for it to be able to do. The R4DS was developed with functionality in mind, and its firmware was developed to support action reply in your NDS. There are many handy applications with which you can customize your NDS, like DS Linux, which can have you set up with the Linux OS, famed for its performance and stability.
More than 90% of the games available for the NDS work seamlessly with these cards, and for the rest, you can always upgrade to later versions of the card like the R4i or the EZ flash.

Ease of use

By and large all cards are made to be extremely easy to use, and can transfer files with minimal effort between your NDS and your computer. You can transfer files from your computer to the NDS to access while on the move. It is extremely beneficial to take a backup of your flash card on the computer, which means a simple drag and drop. The cards are extremely durable, and being non-volatile you don't lose data when your device is powered down, or the batteries are taken out. However flash cards, specifically the micro DS, are quite tiny and easy to misplace. Another benefit of a backup is, you can always re-load your game at any saved stage and continue to play.

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