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Collocation Provider Joins San Antonio Market

As business continues to grow in San Antonio, a collocation service provider has also found new opportunity to expand its services in this booming city. Colocation provider CyrusOne recently bought a property along the Westover Hills park, the place where news spread they will build its new data center. The new data center is going to complete the company's expansion plans, report said. It plans to develop data center facilities in the four major strategic markets in the estate.

The new data center will sit on 10 acres of land, have more than 20 megawatts of power and provide customers with "a significant amount of data center and office space," the company said. The facility is under construction and will be available for customer installation the second quarter of 2012.
The colocation provider CyrusOne, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cincinnati Bell, has been expanding in the past few months. In fact, the company is also reported to be currently working in Houston, Austin, Phoenix and Dallas. The report said colocation provider CyrusOne also opened data center facilities in Singapore and London.

"Over the past three years we have been focused on creating the largest data center portfolio in the state of Texas and the expansion into San Antonio is a natural progression of this strategy," said Gary Wojtaszek, President and CEO of CyrusOne. Once completed, CyrusOne will be the only provider in the state of Texas with enterprise class data centers in Houston, Dallas, Austin and San Antonio.

Meanwhile, data center industry experts are now predicting the future of a new data center that will rise soon to support the finance industry. Just recently, rumors and news about the hot buzz words "High Frequency Trading" (HFT) were circulating in London, Tokyo and New York. These places are considered as the world's largest stock exchanges. The way deals are being completed and financial transactions are being consummated through the use of computers capable of buying and selling shares in only microsecond speeds. Can you imagine how fast this would be, and it would really amaze the trading process, using this new data center concept for the financial market.

It's been expected that this so-called fast-growing HFT data center concept would be able to gain ground in Asia few years from now. And in order to develop and compete, Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong will need to get abreast of the so-called new trading on the world financial arena. In so doing, these countries will also remain competitive. In fact, the new generation of infrastructure is now under development aiming to bring Asia in speed.

Through the HFT concept, there will be two types of data centers in the coming years. There is this so-called traditional data center we knew many years already. This type will continue to serve businesses that demand basic internet content, as far as collocation and internet connectivity. But the most interesting here is the new type of data center which is aimed at meeting the needs of the finance industry, especially for reliability and low latency.

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