Insurance Insurance

Mobile Marketing Tips for Insurance Agents and Brokers to Increase Leads

Mobile marketing is increasingly being used to launch new campaigns.
With traditional marketing channels phasing out mobile marketing is the effective use of mobile devices to advertise and launch promotions and campaigns, specifically via SMS (Short Message Service) text messaging to target audiences.
The world today has become so connected with increasing number of apps available to consumers who want business information delivered in few words and available for reading on the fly.
Thanks to the explosion of Internet-enabled mobile devices, you and your customers can now communicate on the go.
Studies by the Pew Internet Project report confirmed that 84 percent of adults in the United States own a mobile phone, and 43 percent of them own an iPhone, Blackberry, or a similar smartphone.
Also 88 percent of smartphone users access the Internet or email on their device and two-thirds of users do so daily.
Increasingly, just as how the home broadband Internet connection remains always on, the mobile phone environment seems to be ever available.
For you to develop a sound mobile marketing project there are creative ways you can deliver on mobile devices marketing that encourage customer interaction.
You create a marketing strategy to take advantage of this unique marketing tool and consider the following mobile marketing tips in the development of a robust mobile campaign:
  • Offer incentives in order to receive in return.
    Endeavor to offer incentives such as expand your service with special promotions and send a mobile message or link to a coupon for the discount or special service you are offering.
    You can also provide additional opportunities such as access to relevant information (news alerts, local event information, weather alerts, etc.
    ), or mobile content ("tip of the week" or trivia question messaging) to increase take rates and consumer participation.
  • Use mobile marketing channels to confirm and set appointments.
    You can use mobile marketing to schedule appointments.
    Nothing is more immediate than doing it via text.
  • Customize your mobile phone device with icon-based links to business apps and videos.
    Mobile phones have become even more popular as personal devices used to manage consumers' lives with scheduling, banking, GPS, and games management functionality.
    As such, you may want to make your mobile strategy easy to access and more importantly, relevant and personal.
  • Consider the mobile phone as a productivity tool as well as a source of entertainment.
    Design your mobile marketing offers with an inherent sense of value or urgency to drive a mobile response by providing consumers with either meaningful information or entertainment in bite-size chunks as consumers always look to mobile as a source of engagement and entertainment.
  • Endeavor to be in compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act.
    Legally you need to.
    Have a formal or informal opt-in process in place and include a way your clients can opt-out in the future.
  • Give mobile customers what they need.
    The most sought-after information (a company's hours, locations, and directions) and popular features should be front and center where customers can easily find them.
  • Encourage reviews on the run.
    Encourage customers to share their thoughts about your product or service.
    Be sure you stay on top of any customer reviews posted about your company.
With the market so connected and more mobile technologies springing up, enabling businesses and customers to stay connected, regardless of location, the growing popularity of gadgets and apps can support your marketing and let you package your business information to better reach a wider audience.
Mobile marketing thus creates some unique opportunities for savvy business professionals to market products and services to a broader market.

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