Business & Finance Personal Finance

Salary of an Internal Auditor in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    Broad Category Salary

    • The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics includes internal auditors with all accountants in its data for this profession. In the greater Milwaukee area, which includes West Allis and Waukesha, the average salary for this broad category was $31.90 per hour, or $66,360 per year. The median salary, or the number in the exact middle of all the salary data for this occupation, was $28.79 per hour, or $59,880 per year. Statewide in Wisconsin, the average salary for auditors and other accountants was $62,340 per year.

    Broad Category Salary Range

    • The middle 50 percent of internal auditors and other accounting professionals in Milwaukee earned $23.78 to $36.75 per hour in 2010, or $49,460 to $76,450 per year. The bottom 10 percent had annual salaries at or below $42,270, and the top 10 percent earned $98,790 per year and more.

    Internal Auditor Salary

    • For internal auditors in particular, the median salary in Milwaukee at entry level and with up to two years of experience was $48,866 annually as of May 2011, according to; that translates to about $23.50 per hour. The middle 50 percent of these workers had salaries of $44,198 to $54,908 per year. The bottom 10 percent were making less than $39,950, and the top 10 percent had salaries at or above $60,409 per year.


    • With experience, an internal auditor can advance to higher levels for a more lucrative salary. An internal auditor in Milwaukee at Level V, generally requiring at least six years of experience, had a median annual salary of $85,625. The middle 50 percent of these internal auditors had annual pay rates of $76,379 to $98,514. The bottom 10 percent were making $67,726 per year and less, and the top 10 percent had annual salaries higher than $110,000.

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