Five Different Ways You Can Make Money Blogging!
Blogs can be a business themselves bringing in money from advertising and product sales and more. Blogs whose primary purpose is supporting an existing business or venture can similarly earn some extra cash.
Some ideas for making money from blogs follow, but first realize that you need a "good blog." There are plenty of resources on blogging well and we won't cover that here.
For more details go to: secondly realize that although there are plenty of people earning a great supplemental income from blogging, few quit their day job.
Here are 5 different ways you can make money blogging
1) Pay Per Click Advertisements - You can try "pay per click" advertisements, which pay you anywhere between a few pennies to a few dollars every time someone clicks on an ad.
There are several choices including the extremely popular Google AdSense, Caboodle Bright Ads, Chitika and the Yahoo! Publisher Network. These ads are easy to signup for and you can run them on most blogs, but check their terms of service well.
They perform very well for some blogs but not well on others -- you need to experiment.
2) Sell advertising space.
I know the word "sell" scares a lot of people, including me, but blog advertisers will often approach you if you have an established blog, and you can also use advertising networks to do the selling for you such as Crisp Ads, PerformancingAds.
3) Create and sell information products.
Even if the same content is spread amongst six or twelve months of blog posts, many people will happily pay for an updated and organized copy, perhaps packaged as a book, e-book, course or audio product. You can use reader's comments, questions and the popularity of posts to help determine what direction to go.
For can visit to: you can even survey readers about what products they would like, which is a great idea.
4) Sell other people's products and services via affiliate programs. This means you get paid a commission if you sell them.
There are lots of places to look for appropriate affiliate products and services you might sell including companies like LinkShare, Commission Junction and ClickBank, which represent multiple merchants including some really major ones like eBay, Sony, and Dell.
5) Blog professionally for someone else, maybe a blog network or some other organization.
There are many different payment models including payment per post and payment per percentage of advertising revenue. A great place to look for paid blogging positions is at the Problogger job board at Essentially you're being paid to be a writer.
So that's some quick ideas on how to make money from your blog.
Remember that there is no one match fits all solution; you need to experiment and find what works for you.
Some ideas for making money from blogs follow, but first realize that you need a "good blog." There are plenty of resources on blogging well and we won't cover that here.
For more details go to: secondly realize that although there are plenty of people earning a great supplemental income from blogging, few quit their day job.
Here are 5 different ways you can make money blogging
1) Pay Per Click Advertisements - You can try "pay per click" advertisements, which pay you anywhere between a few pennies to a few dollars every time someone clicks on an ad.
There are several choices including the extremely popular Google AdSense, Caboodle Bright Ads, Chitika and the Yahoo! Publisher Network. These ads are easy to signup for and you can run them on most blogs, but check their terms of service well.
They perform very well for some blogs but not well on others -- you need to experiment.
2) Sell advertising space.
I know the word "sell" scares a lot of people, including me, but blog advertisers will often approach you if you have an established blog, and you can also use advertising networks to do the selling for you such as Crisp Ads, PerformancingAds.
3) Create and sell information products.
Even if the same content is spread amongst six or twelve months of blog posts, many people will happily pay for an updated and organized copy, perhaps packaged as a book, e-book, course or audio product. You can use reader's comments, questions and the popularity of posts to help determine what direction to go.
For can visit to: you can even survey readers about what products they would like, which is a great idea.
4) Sell other people's products and services via affiliate programs. This means you get paid a commission if you sell them.
There are lots of places to look for appropriate affiliate products and services you might sell including companies like LinkShare, Commission Junction and ClickBank, which represent multiple merchants including some really major ones like eBay, Sony, and Dell.
5) Blog professionally for someone else, maybe a blog network or some other organization.
There are many different payment models including payment per post and payment per percentage of advertising revenue. A great place to look for paid blogging positions is at the Problogger job board at Essentially you're being paid to be a writer.
So that's some quick ideas on how to make money from your blog.
Remember that there is no one match fits all solution; you need to experiment and find what works for you.