Business & Finance Small Business

Booklet Tips - End User Vs. Real Buyer

While many people ask about the best tips for writing booklets, the piece that is often overlooked is who the real buyers are of the tips booklets.
Of course it's crucial to write a valuable tips booklet.
That's often the easiest part.
You have more than one market to consider, that's for sure, and for things you may not have considered.
You have your reasons for being in the tips booklet business or in having tips booklets be a part of your business.
It may be because you want to get your message out to people who can use your knowledge.
It could be because you want to add another revenue stream to your business.
It is often common for it to be both.
That brings you to the question of how to reach those people you want to reach.
There are many situations where the ultimate end user of your booklet will not be the buyer of your booklet.
The end user you have in mind can't afford it, they think they don't need it, they have preconceived notions of the value of a tips booklet, they don't know where to get it, and numerous other rationales.
While they may be a large group of consumers of your booklet, and people who can definitely benefit from what you have to share with them, they are not your buyers.
Your buyers for those people are, instead, companies, associations, non-profits, and entities who want to use your booklet to promote their own product, service, or cause.
It helps the companies and associations and it helps the people they serve.
While a college student is unlikely to buy a booklet about how to manage their time and their money, a company who sells sports equipment to high school and college students might want to buy a large quantity of your booklet to include with each product package during a particular promotional campaign.
A single parent on a limited income could benefit from creative tips for providing nutritious meals for their family.
Since they are short on funds, they would appreciate receiving a booklet included in some food product package that they are purchasing.
Someone who is searching for a gracious and humane way to take the car keys away from an aging parent who really needs to stop driving may not be inclined to purchase a tips booklet about how to have that conversation.
However, the company who sells auto insurance would be an ideal distributor of such a booklet.
ACTION - Identify who else is already reaching the audience you want to reach.
Approach someone involved with marketing at that company or association to invite them to invest in copies of your booklet or its contents in some way.
It serves that entity in furthering their message and their cause, and services the people they are reaching with information to somehow improve their life.
In those ways, your booklet and its contents accomplish much more than you may have originally intended when you created it! Turn Your Tips Into Products, Your Tips Products Into Moneymakers TM" © 2014 Paulette Ensign

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