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Obama Is Missing The Chance To Change The Course For Youth

In the midst of the highest levels of unemployment in the past 50 years, a unique opportunity has opened up for President Obama to change the course of opportunity for youth and he is missing it.

Similar to the feat that lay before President Roosevelt in the 1930s, President Obama faces a nation that is wading in the murky uncertainty that we call a recession. With the bleakness of our current condition there comes an opportunity just over the horizon for President Obama to implement a program that will put the jobless back to work and provide the lifesaving breath that our country so desperately needs.

The challenge, however, is multifold. Although President Roosevelt struck gold with his "New Deal" in the 30s, it was not embraced by all Americans because it did not encompass all Americans. In fact when given a critical look, his program which made jobs available to many, turned a cold shoulder to a large demographic of individuals, namely Women and minorities. Deemed the largest job creation effort in history, Roosevelt's plan almost exclusively created jobs designed for white, male, manual labor. The result was a return to the workforce for many, but not nearly enough to address the needs of all out of work Americans.

Demographics have changed significantly since then, and while the tide of the workforce has changed tremendously to encompass both women and minorities in the workplace, there is still an underrepresented voice that must be heard and acknowledged. Youth. In a society where the world has become increasingly fast-paced and technologically progressive, it is imperative to not only involve today's youth in the future of job creation, but also to recruit their efforts.

In his address to schools across America earlier this year, President Obama spoke about the opportunities that youth are able to create for themselves by continuing their education and by working hard. Yes, many youth already know this. What millions of youth don't know is that these opportunities are just not there. High unemployment has unleashed many skilled, college educated workers into the jobs reserved for the energetic young job seeker.

It is time for the Obama administration to focus on the issues of jobs for youth. Current levels of unemployment have eliminated the few job opportunities that previously existed for youth. It's time to step in the right direction and an analysis of Roosevelt's New Deal program can help show the way.

The Federal One Program, a highlight of Roosevelt's New Deal, consisted of five distinct components. Each of these efforts tapped into the cultural capital of the nation: The Federal Writers Project, The Federal Theater Project, The Federal Arts Project, The Federal Music Project and the Historical Records Survey Project. These components focused on job creation for those who were not served well in traditional New Deal programs. Using similar framework, President Obama has a prime opportunity to create jobs for youth in a manner that utilizes the wealth of youth resources that have to date been virtually untapped.

With the continued innovative thought that has embodied the Obama Administration, the opportunity to create a more all-encompassing Federal One Project is ripe. The Obama Administration has the ability to create a massive job creation program that utilizes the cultural and highly influential power of young people. By harnessing this power, this administration has the ability to reconnect with millions of disenchanted youth and promote the prosperity in America that has been envisioned.

Just a few examples - the administration can revamp the Federal Theater Project. Similar to the new Deal, local youth artists, rappers, dancers and performers can develop and deliver a series of performances educating their peers on ways to deal with life's challenges and ways to avoid violence.

A newly formed Federal Music Project could offer local Community Based Organization grants to support artists committed to creating positive music dealing with issues of violence, education and substance abuse. This effort is particularly essential in today's society where the rap and television media heavily influence youth and have the ability to engage them. Think of how powerful this project could be if these media outlets were used by youth to reach youth with messages that promote positive and healthy lifestyles.

Finally, a Federal Arts project could use the expertise of local artists to interview and take pictures of former at-risk youth who made the transition to successful careers. They can create "What They Are Wearing Now Murals Across the U.S." - a peer based way to show the transition of successful youth from street clothes to work success. A great replacement for all those "Successory" postesr adoring program walls.

There now exists a new opportunity to take the cultural interest of youth and turn it into a positive movement that can transform a community and create effective and lasting change.

There has never been a better time than the present, and there have never been more youth resources than there are now. The vision that President Obama has strived to pass on to the country is attainable and sustainable through the utilization of all of Americans. We simply need our progressive leadership to be exactly that-progressive.

Copyright (c) 2009 Ed DeJesus

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