Travel & Places Vacation Homes/Time-Shares

Are Timeshare Resale Companies a Blessing Or a Curse?

Do you want the simple truth about resale companies? (Well, "you can't handle the truth!") All jokes aside, most timeshare resale companies are what the polite person would call illegitimate.
A more uncouth fellow would describe them as scams.
The truth of the matter is that these descriptions are fairly accurate.
Here's why: Anyone who has basic knowledge of the Internet, Web design, and timeshares can become a "listing company".
Really, just about anyone can set up their own online listing company and not really provide the service it claims to offer because it's merely an on-the-surface type of operation.
Let's take a look at Joe the Web Designer as an example.
Joe figures something along these lines: "Hey, I'll create a timeshare listing company.
People will pay me hundreds of dollars to list their timeshare.
Now, I'm providing them a service, and if their timeshare gets sold, well, they'll make a profit.
" It's really that simple.
If you pay for a resale site, you've just bought into Joe's scam.
Joe has no experience in reselling timeshares, nor does he need to with the wonders of the Internet working in his favor.
All a resale site does is "advertise" your timeshare online by listing it on their Web site for you to sell to interested buyers.
It makes the sale look more legitimate.
But it's no eBay, where you can also post your timeshare and ask for a bid.
In the end, these resale companies that ask you to fork over money are ways for the owners to make money.
You can bet that your chances of selling your timeshare on a randomly created resale site are slimmer than you being struck by lightning.
You're more likely to get hit by a car while driving, if this gives you some idea of the risk to reward ratio.
So, what are you going to do? My advice is to find a Web site where you can list it for free.
This, truthfully, will still not do all that much, but what it doesn't do is take your money and run to the bank with it.
Timeshare resales are going to be a tricky business.
Make it a lot less tricky by listing for free.
If you've been fooled by one too many fly-by-night resale companies, you may want to consider some of your other timeshare relief options.

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