What to Wear to an Interview
Imagine you have found the perfect job in the paper and decided to re-rewrite your CV to perfectly fit the role (always a good idea!).
You have sent off a fantastic covering letter from that great covering letter website and you feel good.
A few week later, all that work pays off and you here the postman push that white envelope through the door with the typed name on the address on the front to you! Now comes the decision on what to wear? First of all, it is mostly going to be down to the type of job or role you are applying to.
Don't make the mistake I once made when going to an industrial job interview in a shirt and tie! The guy interviewing me said that he did get somebody else in a shirt and tie about 10 years ago, but nobody since! I had been given the wrong information by the job agency and they had sent me on the wrong type of job interview! So if it's industrial (I can learn by my own mistakes!) you should go for maybe a short sleeved shirt and jeans or perhaps even a t-shirt will do.
Basically they are not that fussy if you are just going to be plucking chickens or mixing concrete.
What I do know about though it office based jobs, this is probably the other main type of job other than industrial.
I have been to a lot of interviews and I normally go for this combo.
Black suit, blue shirt, smart tie, black shoes and black socks - I don't think you can go wrong with this in my opinion!
You have sent off a fantastic covering letter from that great covering letter website and you feel good.
A few week later, all that work pays off and you here the postman push that white envelope through the door with the typed name on the address on the front to you! Now comes the decision on what to wear? First of all, it is mostly going to be down to the type of job or role you are applying to.
Don't make the mistake I once made when going to an industrial job interview in a shirt and tie! The guy interviewing me said that he did get somebody else in a shirt and tie about 10 years ago, but nobody since! I had been given the wrong information by the job agency and they had sent me on the wrong type of job interview! So if it's industrial (I can learn by my own mistakes!) you should go for maybe a short sleeved shirt and jeans or perhaps even a t-shirt will do.
Basically they are not that fussy if you are just going to be plucking chickens or mixing concrete.
What I do know about though it office based jobs, this is probably the other main type of job other than industrial.
I have been to a lot of interviews and I normally go for this combo.
Black suit, blue shirt, smart tie, black shoes and black socks - I don't think you can go wrong with this in my opinion!