Blog Advertising is Easy, Only If You Know These 3 Free and Proven Strategies
At the time when you put every effort to complete several blog posts, you will immediately find that you need to switch your mindset from writing to advertising your blog.
Although you can write excellent stuff and "hope" that someone is smart enough to find your pearl blog, we all know that, it rarely happens.
If you haven't considered advertising on Internet, you need to pay high attention now.
Actually, writing a blog and advertising your blog are equally important.
Without good content, heavy promotion may end up with dissatisfied visitors.
Similarly, having excellent content without any promotion is a waste on your time and effort also.
It is especially true when you first start blogging.
Here are 3 proven and free strategies to promote your blog.
Giving out information - for free Beginning marketers often make a mistake that, they ask for money too early before they trust you.
At the beginning of advertising your blog, all you need to do is by building reputation.
Without people trust, they would not listen to you.
Given that you have excellent content in your blog, the way to give out information and build trust with people is by submitting articles to article directories.
You can write some articles, ranging 250 - 500 words, that both on the topic you are good at and related to your blog content, and submit it to different article directories.
Every time you submit an article, you can write a short description about yourself and this will be a good chance to advertise your blog.
By the way, writing and submitting article directory also proved to other people that you can give out powerful information and therefore widely recognized.
Promoting in online forum Online forum is a cyber space where a lot of people are over there talking about everything.
They will ask questions, chat with each other, share information and so on.
Since people gather in online forum, if you want to promote your blog and build a people network around yourself, forum must be the place to go.
What you should do is by checking out several forums that are related to your blog content.
Hanging around there, asking and answering questions and build up relationship with each other.
It is also quite often that you can attach a "Signature" where you can put your blog advertising message and a link to your blog.
Each time when you post a reply or create a new forum post, your signature will be added automatically.
Therefore people who see your post also see your signature, and go to your blog.
Connect with other blog Beginner bloggers often make another mistakes that; they trend to compete to the world on their own.
When you are on the Internet, the power of a single person is extremely small.
Therefore, never overlooked the importance of networking with other people and blogs.
There are many blogger groups on the Internet.
A group of bloggers with related contents sharing and promoting each other's blog on their blog.
They swap links, comment on other bloggers content, and show supports by referencing other blogs to their visitors.
I hope that these 3 strategies can give you some insights on promoting your blog.
Although you can write excellent stuff and "hope" that someone is smart enough to find your pearl blog, we all know that, it rarely happens.
If you haven't considered advertising on Internet, you need to pay high attention now.
Actually, writing a blog and advertising your blog are equally important.
Without good content, heavy promotion may end up with dissatisfied visitors.
Similarly, having excellent content without any promotion is a waste on your time and effort also.
It is especially true when you first start blogging.
Here are 3 proven and free strategies to promote your blog.
Giving out information - for free Beginning marketers often make a mistake that, they ask for money too early before they trust you.
At the beginning of advertising your blog, all you need to do is by building reputation.
Without people trust, they would not listen to you.
Given that you have excellent content in your blog, the way to give out information and build trust with people is by submitting articles to article directories.
You can write some articles, ranging 250 - 500 words, that both on the topic you are good at and related to your blog content, and submit it to different article directories.
Every time you submit an article, you can write a short description about yourself and this will be a good chance to advertise your blog.
By the way, writing and submitting article directory also proved to other people that you can give out powerful information and therefore widely recognized.
Promoting in online forum Online forum is a cyber space where a lot of people are over there talking about everything.
They will ask questions, chat with each other, share information and so on.
Since people gather in online forum, if you want to promote your blog and build a people network around yourself, forum must be the place to go.
What you should do is by checking out several forums that are related to your blog content.
Hanging around there, asking and answering questions and build up relationship with each other.
It is also quite often that you can attach a "Signature" where you can put your blog advertising message and a link to your blog.
Each time when you post a reply or create a new forum post, your signature will be added automatically.
Therefore people who see your post also see your signature, and go to your blog.
Connect with other blog Beginner bloggers often make another mistakes that; they trend to compete to the world on their own.
When you are on the Internet, the power of a single person is extremely small.
Therefore, never overlooked the importance of networking with other people and blogs.
There are many blogger groups on the Internet.
A group of bloggers with related contents sharing and promoting each other's blog on their blog.
They swap links, comment on other bloggers content, and show supports by referencing other blogs to their visitors.
I hope that these 3 strategies can give you some insights on promoting your blog.