Travel & Places United States

Occoquan, Virginia – A Visitors Guide

Occoquan is a historic town that was established in 1804 along the Occoquan River in Northern Virginia. The town was first settled by early colonists who relied on the river for transportation and trade. For more than 175 years, the town served as industrial settlement with a grist mill and tobacco warehouses. Today, the town has antique shops, restaurants, and a town boat dock.

Occoquan is located approximately 22 miles south of Washington DC in Prince William County, Virgnia, just a mile off of I-95 at exit 160.

Follow signs north on Gordon Blvd/Rte 123 to Commerce Street. See a map.

The Visitor Center, located at 200 Mill Street, is a good place to start your tour of the town. It provides tourist information such as maps, area attractions brochures, visitors guides, and driving directions around the region. The Visitor Center is open daily, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Enjoy the following photos and learn about the historic town of Occoquan, Virginia.

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