Health & Medical Diabetes

Flax Seed As Diabetic Food Supplement

Nutritionists and clinical researchers alike have confirmed of the potential of flax seed to ease the symptoms of diabetes mellitus in its regular consumption.
Exactly how does this wonder grain convey this benefit? We can start by examining the grain's nutritional portfolio which happens to be enriched with nutrients essential for the upkeep of a health body.
This likely holds clues to its ability of treating disorders such as cancer, cardiovascular ailments and digestive disorders.
Initial studies suggest that flax seed may just be the next wonder supplement to alleviate conditions ensued by crippling diseases such as diabetes while promoting holistic vitality.
Flax seed is enriched with essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6)--particularly Omega 3, that supports a number of physiological processes directly influencing overall health conditions.
This is good news to diabetics in need of a dietary supplement to relieve resultant conditions, such as atherosclerosis, that is a consequence of elevated blood glucose levels.
By supporting metabolic and circulatory functions, supplementation with flax seed can help reduce the risks of heart attacks which happen to be the leading cause of death among diabetes sufferers.
On a related note, the grain is enriched with high quality protein, dietary fiber, potassium, zinc, magnesium, lecithin and other essential vitamins that support good digestion and healthy metabolism.
Since diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that comes about with excessive blood glucose in the bloodstream--caused by the resistance of muscle and adipose cell receptors to insulin, flax seed can help restore hormonal balance while stimulating metabolic functions in order to sustain acceptable blood glucose levels.
Moreover, studies confirm that the grain's ability to correct metabolic mechanisms promotes healthy weight loss that is of benefit to obesity sufferers.
Obesity conditions that may come about with diabetes can be resolved through the metabolic support of flax seed.
Meanwhile, relevant to the management of diabetes is the ongoing health of the pancreas.
Flax seed supports pancreatic health by way of its lignan constituents.
Lignans are plant chemicals or phytochemicals to which antioxidant activity is attributed.
Antioxidants are known to subdue the harmful effects of oxidation on bodily cells which is crucial to cancer prevention and treatment.
The grain's cancer-fighting properties are supported by clinical studies that administered measured doses of flax seed supplements to patients suffering from breast, prostate, and pancreatic cancers.
Likewise, pertinent research has confirmed the estrogenic activity of lignans, which is essential in the treatment of autoimmunity disorders such as Type 1 diabetes.
Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes are categorized as chronic disorders that can affect people of all ages.
Complications arising from elevated blood sugar levels in the bloodstream may include impaired body tissue functions to further cause a deteriorating eyesight, kidney dysfunction, excessive urination, and also cardiovascular complications.
It is important to sustain a balanced diet that is complemented by flax seed's holistic content of omega-3, lignans and dietary fiber.
Making flax seed as an alternative ingredient to your usual food treats such as soups, salads, snacks or even full dishes rightly complements the need for nutritional balance among diabetic sufferers.

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