Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Training Your Dog The "Leave It" Command

The "Leave it" command is among the most crucial commands you will be able to teach your dog.
It will keep your dog away from trouble.
Dogs are inclined to get into everything, including trash, cigarette butts, chicken bones, etc, you get the ideal.
This is why is so important to train your dog properly in the "leave it" command.
Dog training is not something that has to be a task, especially if you make it fun for you and your dog.
Just think how terrific would be that rather than being forced to yell No to your dog, you could just stop his conduct with a simple Leave it command.
Among the matters we need to avoid as we're training our dogs is to repeat the word No too frequently.
You should use the word No, only when urgencies occur, like if the dog is trying to eat something that could harm him, or the dog is trying to jump on a child or on an elderly.
In that way if you ever have to tell your dog No, he knows that you really mean it.
Among the troubles that some dog owners confront (particularly women), when they're training their dogs is that they state the command Leave it, overly softly.
As you give your dog the Leave it command, you want to say it with a deep tone of voice.
Your dog needs to know that you're dead serious about it.
So how do you teach your dog the leave it command?You want to intentionally set up your dog into the occurrence in which you're going to practice the command.
A technique that works fine is by placing a treat on the floor, letting the dog to get close to it.
As you see the dog attempting to get the treat, you give the command Leave it.
As you say the command you lay your foot on top of the treat, in that manner precluding the dog from getting it.
Immediately once the dog stops from attempting to get the treat, give him a different treat.
There are two crucial things that you'll need to keep in mind when you're teaching this command to your dog.
The first one is to not give your dog the treat that you just instructed him to leave, if you do that the dog will think that you are teaching him to wait, instead of to "leave it".
The other thing to think of is that you've to say the command with a deep voice, but you don't need to shout at the dog.
Remember that every dog is different, and that some dogs will need more practice than others.
There are some breeds that can be really unrelenting (terriers, for example), and it will require numerous repetitions for them to take it seriously.
But practice establishes perfection.
After a few practices, and after the dog discovers the narrow use of "Leave it," then you'll be able to start broadening its use to more practical things, like not getting close to a baby, or not getting food from the table.
Just think how fantastic will it feel when your friends come over, and you will not have to be embarrassed by your dog or hide the cheese from your dog.
Everything will be great when you just say "Leave it", you will be glad you took the time to apply this dog training tip on your dog.

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