Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

An Argument in Favor of Claim Making for Work Accidents

The horror of accident occurring in commercial establishments of the UK has intensified lately, with the catapulting count of such occurrences.
The number of such mishaps is already going out of control leading to sheer panic among the working class of people who function in perilous work climates.
Even though HSE, over the last few years, has tightened its mandatory standards, it cannot possibly help those who are already affected.
The only resolution left for the hapless victims of accidents at work is the compensation claim that legally entitles a victim to receive redressal for the injuries in the form of cash.
Why Most People Fret about Claim-Making? Now, this is where the dilemma strikes upon most of the victims who get either caught between uncertainty and indecision or sentiments and guilt.
A survey conducted on accident at work cases with victims as respondents revealed that most injured victims do not go for a claim because they strongly think the occurrences to be accidents which were inadvertent and unintentional.
Hence, they move to the decision that claiming anything via a legal action is not morally justified.
Moreover, they either willingly accept what the company offers as informal reparation for the injury, or stay put without making any plea.
Why Should a Victim Claim? It is indeed very responsible and sincere of an employee to think about the employer in such hard times.
However, such people should be shocked to hear that their safety is the legal responsibility of the employer, just as their wages and remuneration are.
When a businessman is granted a business license that involves employment of workers, they are made legally obliged to provide a safe environment and promised salary to the workers.
Having failed to meet the both, the entrepreneur is considered to have violated his or her legal duties and is hence liable to prosecution.
Aside, every company owner is insured against such losses which make offering a disbursement easy.
Precaution Vs Inevitability Alongside, it is a considerable logic that accidents at work can never be fully stopped as risk is a part and parcel of working in factories, mines, streets and other facilities that are prone to such happenings.
However, the inevitability of accidents remains questionable from this perspective.
This is why the law of UK has promulgated the concept of ALARP or "as low as reasonably practicable" that serves as the benchmark to maintain for all UK entrepreneurs.
Hence, in a work condition that abides the rule, avoidable accidents can be fully stopped, if not the unavoidable ones.

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