Technology Software

What Is The History Of Java Programming Language

C language developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie had taken a decade to become the most popular language amongst programmers. But, with time programmers found that programming in C became tedious cause of its structural syntax. and Before it emerged as a programming language, C++ was a dominant player in the trade.primary goals that the creators of this language was to create a language that could tackle most of the things that C++ offered while getting rid of some of the more tedious tasks that came with the earlier languages.

In 1990 James Gosling,Bill Joy and others at Sun Microsystems began developing a language called Oak. Gosling called the language Oak in honor of a tree that could be seen from his office window. Sun found that Oak could not be trademarked because of a product already using the name. After sessions in January 1995, The meeting, arranged by Kim Polese where about a dozen people got together with James Gosling,and the final suggest names were Silk, DNA, Ruby, WRL and Java by the team in meeting But the other names could not be trademarked. So finally, name java was first suggested by Chris Warth. because it sounded the coolest and decided to go ahead with it.

This group wanted household items devices like thoughtful toasters, sagacious Salad Shooters and lucid lamps. To communicate with each other. To serve these goals, Oak needed to be Platform independent,Compact and Extremely reliable. so,The first public implementation was Java 1.0 in 1995. It made the promise of "Write Once, Run Anywhere", with free run times on popular platforms. It was fairly secure and its security was configurable, allowing for network and file access to be limited.

By 1994 Sun's Hot Java browser appeared. It was Written in Java in only a few months,and it illustrated the power of applets, programs that run within a browser, and also the capabilities of it for speeding program development. this language quickly received widespread recognition and expectations grew for it to become the dominant software for consumer applications and browser.

but,the early versions of it did not possess the breadth and depth of capabilities needed for client applications. Applets became popular and remain common but don't dominate interactive or multimedia displays on web pages. It's capabilities grew with the release of new and expanded versions and it became a very
popular language for development of enterprise, or middle ware, applications like on line web stores, transactions processing, database interfaces.

Today,It has become quite common on small platforms such as cell phones and PDAs.It not only permeates the Internet, It is the invisible force behind many of the applications and devices that power our day-to-day lives. From mobile phones to handheld devices, games and navigation systems to e-business solutions, Java is everywhere.

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