Technology Software

Apps For Cheap Internet Calls

Internet calls, through Voice over IP, are mostly free, with tools like Skype and WhatsApp. But for these calls to be completely free, you need to be talking to people who are using the same app and are on the same service; they need to be using Internet calling through their computers or portable devices. But when you have to call people on their traditional landline phones or their cell phones, it is not free anymore. There is still that traditional part where the line is to be dedicated for the call and that costs much. But you can use Internet calling or VoIP to make these calls much cheaper than what they would have been with traditional telephony. Here are apps and services you can use for that. 

1. Skype

Skype is the most common VoIP app and service and has even become a verb for some. The paid service is called Skype Out, or used to be called so. Now, besides the pay as you go per-minute billing, there are packages for worldwide calling, with flat rates upon subscription for calling to selected destinations at interesting rates. Skype offers good HD voice and lots of features. There is also a connection fee that applies. While Skype is cheap, it is not the cheapest around. More »

2. Ringo

Ringo brings a new model of calling international numbers for cheap. Since the dependence on a good Internet connection hinders proper calling and affects voice quality, this service does away with it and offers you a way of calling people abroad at local rates. When you call a person, Ringo substitutes your number with that of a local number in the person's area code. You therefore pay a normal local call plus the small rate of the service. This is called local access calling. There is also a WiFi calling option. More »

3. Google Voice

Google Voice allows you to make calls to any number in the United States and Canada for free, if the call is made from the United States. Else the rates are interestingly low for other destinations. France is 3 cents for instance, and India only 1 cent. Google Voice also offers a lot of features. However, it is not available for everyone and the list of countries in which it is available is quite short. More »

4. Vopium

Vopium offers local access calling too, without needing an Internet connection. It also offers calling via WiFi, in which case you don't pay for the local calling part. The lowest cost is to the US and Canada, that is 2 cents per minute. Vopium has an app for Android, for iOS and BlackBerry. 

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5. Vyke

Vyke works the same way as Vopium, with local access calling and Internet calling. The rates are more or less the same, with around one cent per minute as the lowest rate. Vype is available for Android, iPhone, iPad and Windows desktop. More »

6. Nimbuzz

Nimbuzz is firstly a VoIP app and IM with features for people to communicate freely, including chat rooms and other stuff. It also has a product called NimbuzzOut, which allows you to call phones at low rates. Its rates are quite low, and go down to less than a cent for some destinations like the US and some countries in Asia. It works on a large number of platforms. More »


Line is also a full-fledged VoIP and instant messaging app, with a lot of features including free voice and video chat over the network. One of its products called Line Premium call allows you make Internet calls to landlines and mobiles for as cheap as 1 cent for certain destinations. Line is available for a large number of platforms, including smartphone, tablet and desktop operating systems. 

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