Health & Medical Anxiety

Anxiety In Human Life

Every one has worries and fears.
Anxiety can be adaptive, if the discomfort that goes with it motives people to learn new ways of approaching life's challenges.
But whether it is adaptive or maladaptive the discomfort can be intense.
The anxious person who is waiting for the worst to happen is often unable to enjoy a personal life or gain gratification from work.
Anxious people may thus prevent themselves from experiencing positive outcome in life.
The anxious person worries a lot, particularly about unknown dangerous.
In addition the anxious individual shows combination of the following symptoms like rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, dizziness, sweating, sleeplessness and tremors.
All of these physical symptoms accompany fear as well as anxiety.
Fear differs from anxiety in that people who have fear can easily state what that they are afraid of people who have feel anxious, on the other hand, are not aware of the reason for their fear.
Anxiety includes the feeling of uncertainty, helplessness and physiological arousal.
A person who has experiences anxiety complains of nervous, tense, jumpy and irritable.
Often he or she has difficulty falling asleep at night.
An anxious person becomes fatigued easily and can have "butterflies in the stomach" as well as headaches, muscle tension and difficulty in concentrating.
There is growing evidence that people suffering from anxiety are overly sensitive to threat cues.
Such individuals may exhibit a heightened sensitivity, vigilance or readiness to attend to potential threats.
In addition to occurring often an event has taken place or in anticipation of a future event, the experience of intense anxiety may occur when a person decides to resist a preoccupying idea, change an undesirable aspect of behavior or approach a fear-arousing stimulus.
Feeling isolated unconnected is has on anyone designed for relationships & belonging when that does not happen it can lead to anger.
Apart from other causes disappointment harassment, threats, guilt, inadequacy can also cause anger.
Everyone experiences the anxiety at some time in their lives.
It is normal for people to experience anxiety when faced with stressful, threat situations, but it is abnormal to feel strong.
Anxiety is a complex blend of unpleasant emotions and cognition that is both more oriented to the future and much more diffuse than fear.
Anxiety involves negative mood, worry about possible future threat or danger, self-preoccupation, and a sense of being unable to predict the future threat or to control it if it occurs.

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