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Dating Advice for Singles

    Behold Timing and the Power of You

    • Before you date, determine whether you're actually ready to date. List reasons you're dating. If your top reason is "I'm lonely," take another look at yourself. Coupling to forget how lonely you are is often an excuse not to hone your interests and personal confidence. Dating is usually less successful if you don't feel strong within yourself. Learn how to have fun on your own before you date seriously. A good way to start this path is by asking yourself what your ideal lifestyle would entail.

    Proceed with Caution

    • To fully enjoy life's character-building activities, obtaining a customized rhythm is essential. Dating is no exception. If you find yourself asking why you're stressed about your relationship's progression, it's possible that you're moving too fast. If you're not ready to take it to the next step, a simple tip exists and works every time: Wait until you are.

    Show the Real You

    • Everyone has heard stories of dating humiliation. Most of these stories have something to do with men and women trying too hard to make good impressions on their dates, or attempting to uphold those impressions. Think about what you would be hoping to prove if you were a similar character in a similar anecdote. It cannot be ultimately beneficial to you if a fledgling love partner envisions you as some sort of deity. In fact, you only run the risk of having this strategy blow up in your face when the real you inevitably surfaces. And not least of all, it's exhausting to be someone you're not.

    Know When to Pull the Cord

    • Some people repeatedly stay too long in an unhealthy relationship. If you often fight with your partner, or you each have vastly different interests, making it difficult to compromise, chances are good you and your partner are mismatched. But this need not be a sad reality. The good news is there are countless others in the singles dating pool who would love to share your time, and support you in achieving your commendable goals.

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