Health & Medical Diabetes

Be a Complication-Free Diabetic

Diabetes and heart disease One of the most known associated risks involved is heart disease.
The diabetic is twice more likely to get heart disease than a non-diabetic.
Like diabetes, heart disease can happen because other members of the family have a history of heart disease also.
Approximately 50% of all diabetics cause of death is heart disease related.
Diabetes and eye problems Diabetes is having too much glucose content in the body.
And high glucose content can damage many body parts including the eyes.
Diabetes can damage the retina, vitreous, lens, and optic nerve of the eye.
Diabetes and erectile dysfunction For men, this is probably one of their greatest nightmares.
Impotence has many causes, yet diabetes can impair the nerve and blood vessel functions which can affect erection.
Basically, diabetes invites a host of other conditions.
But with proper management and control, one can be a complication-free diabetic! Control diabetes by keeping a healthy lifestyle Diabetes can be controlled if the diabetic gets a lifestyle check.
Because obese people are at more risk, regular exercise and proper diet is the key to managing diabetes (and weight too!) Manage diabetes by keeping the feet healthy People with diabetes do not heal as it should be.
A wound may take a longer time to close.
Extra glucose cultivates the germs.
Infection can occur.
Diabetes hurts the feet through nerve damage or poor blood flow.
Once infection has spread in the legs, the leg may have to be amputated.
So especially for diabetics, make sure the shoe is not ill-fitting, the toe nails are clipped across as needed, and shoes and slippers must be worn as much as possible for protection from possible hazards.
Manage diabetes by keeping the teeth and gums healthy Diabetics are at more risk for teeth and gum problems.
Like the feet, the mouth breeds germs which too much glucose can feed.
The gums may bleed profusely and in worst cases, the teeth may fall out.
Adequate brushing and flossing must be advised especially for diabetics.
In general, one can be complication-free diabetic just by following these guidelines- 1.
Watch your diet! If the doctor recommended an eating plan, follow it to the heart.
Be physically active every day.
Exercise, exercise, exercise.
Take medications as prescribed by the doctor.
Have glucose-testing regularly.
Checking the glucose-level on a regular basis saves lives.
Take care of the feet.
Minor cuts must be noticed too! 6.
Brush and floss every day.
The dentist is your friend.

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