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The Brave One Movie Preview

Jodie Foster held off intruders in Panic Room and nearly sent a plane into a nosedive searching for her missing daughter in Flightplan, so turning vigilante after her fiancé (played by Lost star Naveen Andrews) is murdered in The Brave One isn't that gigantic of a leap from her recent roles. Plus, despite her slender build Foster has the chops to handle herself in basic action sequences and she comes to The Brave One with a resume loaded with critically acclaimed dramatic performances.

Another major selling point for The Brave One is Terrence Howard, so good in Hustle & Flow (he earned a Best Actor Oscar nomination for that performance) and Crash. Howard's fast becoming one of the most sought after actors in Hollywood, and pairing Howard and Foster in The Brave One is a smart choice.

The Story
New York radio personality Erica Bain (Foster) loves her town. She also adores her fiancé and can't wait until they're husband and wife. But while the two are walking their dog in the park, they're savagely attacked by a gang of thugs. Her fiancé winds up dead and she's beaten to within an inch of her life.

Erica has a rough time dealing with the traumatic experience and takes to walking the streets at night, contemplating how to get revenge on the men who robbed her of the love of her life. However Erica's nightly excursions take an unexpected direction as she begins dishing out her own vigilant justice upon those who prey on the innocent citizens of NY City.

The Brave One stands up for itself on September 14, 2007.

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