Home & Garden Home Improvement

Learn How to Install Hardwood Flooring - 3 Tips to a Successful Hardwood Flooring Installation

Hardwood floors adds beauty and value to your home...
if it is done correctly.
Before you even purchase your new hardwood floor, you must first do a little research to avoid starting off on the wrong foot.
Tip #1 Understand which type of hardwood flooring you can use before you install it ! Solid hardwood, engineered hardwood, wood laminate, and laminate are all types of wood flooring on the market today.
Depending on where in your home that you want to install wood flooring, as well as the sub floor that you will be going over, determines the type of hardwood flooring that you will need.
Each of the types mentioned above have their recommended applications.
Installing the wrong type of hardwood over certain sub floors spell disaster before even nailing in the first piece.
Tip#2 The environment that hardwood flooring is in plays a huge role in determining the success of the installation.
It is essential to know what to do before, during, and after you install your floor.
Because wood flooring is considered to be a living breathing product, it reacts to environmental changes and conditions.
Correcting any problems or changing the type of flooring before starting your installation is certainly worth doing to save your investment dollars.
Tip#3 Always read the manufacturers instructions that come with your new hardwood.
As a professional installer, I still take the time to read the instructions.
Finding out what you should have done after the fact is never fun.
For instance, not installing a vapor barrier or using the wrong type fastener can be the difference between a successful job and an unsuccessful one.
The hands on part of the job is only one part of accomplishing your up and coming floor project.
Starting with these 3 tips will increase the chances of your success dramatically when learning how to install hardwood flooring.

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