Technology Networking & Internet

Telecommute Using Satellite Internet

Doubtlessly, you've seen them around town: the roving employee, the freelancer, the telecommuter, downing a cup of coffee in some cafe while pecking away on a laptop computer.
For many people nowadays, going to work doesn't necessarily mean going to the office.
It may be a blogger, a reporter, or even a real estate agent.
The telecommute is definitely 'in.
" With businesses cutting back on office space and computer costs, the desire for telecommuting is definitely a two-way street.
However, you needn't always be shackled to the business hours of a local WiFi café to work outside the office.
Didn't you want to get away from that sort of dependence? Satellite internet is a great way to stay connected.
If you live outside the area serviced by other high-speed internet providers, satellite broadband might be the option for you in your home.
With speeds of up to fifty times faster than dial-up -- and terrific rates for the all-important downloads you will need -- high-speed satellite internet will keep your employer happy and your position secure.
You are always connected.
You will no longer need to multi-task while online, as dial-up users have been known to do.
I have heard the stories of people pressing "internet connect" and then going to make a cup of coffee.
Next, they will type in the address for a website -- and get dressed while it loads.
Finding an email with some files for a work project, they will click "download" -- and then check to see if the washer has finished its cycle.
Yes, it's internet at its worst and in the past it was the only option.
Those days are over.
The technology of satellite internet is not as daunting as it may seem.
You will need more than a telephone and an internet installation, but not too much more.
Once the satellite dish is installed by your internet provider, some minor adjustments to your network are made and you will be up and running at professional-grade speeds.
You can receive and return emails at your convenience, as early or as late as you like.
You can whip through the web, browsing multiple pages at once, keeping extra tabs and windows open without slowing down your system.
Of course, you should keep your computer as clean as possible to run at maximum speed, something often overlooked by the computer user.
Unused items languishing on your desktop can add time to the system boot on your computer, as will unused programs which clog up your storage space.
Much like satellite tv, satellite broadband has opened the door to a new sort of independence in the business world.
For many of us, the daily office grind is no longer what we wish for in our lives, if it ever was.
Nonetheless, if you want that professional feeling, you can still pretend like you're at the office.
So get dressed and bring your coffee to your desk.
When you sit down to work, you will be able to get going immediately.
Just forget about the commute, even to the café: the internet (and the work) instead will come to you.

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