Health & Medical Lose Weight

Why The Southbeach Diet Food Is So Good For Your Weight Loss And Health Goals

When Miami cardiologist Arthur Agaston realized that his patients following low fat high carb diets were gaining weight, he decided to do some research. And so The South Beach Diet™ was born. Contrary to what many people believe, The South Beach Diet™ is not a low fat, low carb diet. Instead, it introduces followers to good carbs and good fats. By eating foods in the correct balance, the result is good health and amazing weight loss (for those who need to lose weight.) The beauty of The South Beach Diet™ is that it is more of a healthy eating plan than a diet. Even people who do not wish to lose weight can follow the plan for better health.

When hearing the word "diet" we immediately prepare ourselves for deprivation. However, looking at the South Beach Diet foods, one cannot help but be amazed at what you are allowed to eat. The key to The South Beach Diet™ is using good fats, oils and carbs. These are the oils such as olive oil, canola oil and omega-3 fish oils found in fish like salmon. Combine these with the good carbs found in most vegetables, whole-grain foods and fruit and you have a winner.

The South Beach Diet™ consists of three phases.

Phase One

Phase One only lasts two weeks and although there are quite a number of restrictions, you will never feel deprived. The main aim is to get you started on your weight loss program and a completely new way of eating.

During Phase 1, you are allowed to eat meat, vegetables, dairy, eggs and cheese. You are encouraged to eat smaller portions more often. Even snacks and certain dessert are allowed! For those who love their starches such as bread and pasta and sugars Phase 1 might be quite a challenge, but the time passes quickly and it is well worth it. Alcohol and fruit are also off limits during this phase.

By the time you finish with Phase 1 craving for sugar etc. is something of the past.

Phase Two

There is no time limit to phase 2. You stay in this phase until you reach your goal weight. It does not matter how much weight you want to lose or how long it takes you to lose it. Eating healthy, delicious South Beach Diet foods will get you there.

You can now slowly start adding some of the foods that were not allowed in the previous phase. Pasta, potatoes and other starches can be back on the menu. Fruit is allowed again, and if you really miss your wine and chocolate you can add them too! Because by now you know which carbs and fats are the good ones, you will be able to make smart choices.

Phase Three

Once you have reached you goal, it is time to move on to Phase 3. By now The South Beach Diet™ has become a way of life. You feel healthy and full of energy. You will eat what you want, but you will be eating the right foods and maintain your ideal weight.

The South Beach Diet™ is suitable for everybody, even vegetarians. Should you be one of the lucky ones who do not have to lose weight you can still benefit. Eating the South Beach Diet foods can help to make a healthier, happier you!

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