Technology Networking & Internet

Montreal SEO Company

So you're searching for a Montreal SEO Company (or any city in North America).

Have you realized yet, that almost every website designer, webmaster, or traditional marketer 'says' they can do your SEO (search engine optimization) for you... but really they don't have a clue.

Do your homework when researching a Montreal SEO company.

Please do NOT shop around based on price, base your decision on a tangible return on investment (ROI). As I stated in many articles and conversations, if your SEO Company canNOT prove a ROI then let them RIP (enough acronyms for ya).

Of course you may find two or more Montreal SEO Companies that provide a ROI, what do you do then?

If you're not a techie or marketing person, here are some questions to figure out the best Montreal SEO Company to go with.


1. "Does your company do any other form of marketing other than SEO?"

If yes, then just say "no" to this so called SEO expert because they are amateurs. They be using 'old' 2003 SEO techniques that may get you poor rankings or a low ROI if any.

2. "What type of techniques do you use to achieve rankings?"

If they do disclose what techniques they are going to use, they ought to GO BEYOND JUST directory submissions and MetaTags. If they reply with a "It's easy, we'll change your MetaTags", move on to the next Montreal SEO Company.

FYI, the old "submitting to 200 search engines" is a scam because search engines will find your site, so long as a website that is already indexed by the search engines is linked to your website. Furthermore, only three search engines really matter: Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

If they reply it's a "secret" or "confidential", then they don't know what they talking about or they could be using "black hat SEO", which could get you banned from the search engines...

3. "What type of risk is involved with this method?"

If the Montreal SEO Company uses "White Hat SEO", then their SEO techniques are based on ethical SEO principles, which provide minimal risk of your website getting banned by the search engines.

If they use "Black Hat SEO", and are trying to cheat the search engines with 'tricks', then let them RIP because your website could get banned and is less likely to be reinstated.

4. "What will happen if our relationship is dissolved?"

The truth is most SEO companies' results will take 4 to 7 months before you've got a clear ROI.

But what if some reason you think they are NOT working hard enough or you do NOT like them. How do you exit without getting screwed?

Ensure in your contract a "termination" clause, which states all SEO work done up to that point "stays as is".

5. "Can you show me example a client's ROI?"

A good Montreal SEO Company will provide you with a tangible ROI for your website or use a previous company's website via a ROI case study,

Look for a good return on investment, and a company that understands business, marketing, technology, and the internet extensively because they will be able to generate more sales and leads.

At this point, there are A LOT of different levels of Montreal SEO Companies out there. The biggest companies AREN'T ALWAYS the best bang for the buck, but there is much less risk associated with your investment. I hope you research and find a Montreal SEO company that you are comfortable with, which provides you with an amazing ROI.

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