Health & Medical sports & Exercise

How to Make a Tin Can Sterno Stove

Things You'll Need



Open the can of food with a can opener and pour it into the separate container. This will hold the food while you make the stove. Also remove any stickers or labels on the outside of the can.

Make six holes with the small can opener (the one that you'd open a can of juice with) on one end of the can. These holes will be made on the end of the can that is still closed. The holes will allow oxygen into the can and help the fire of the sterno burn.

Poke 4 holes on the top of the can using your screw and screwdriver. You can also use a drill, though if you are traipsing through the woods, you probably don't have one available. Make the holes so that they align with 2 on one side and 2 on the other.

Bend the wire coat hanger until you make a narrow "u" shape.

Insert the wire hanger into the holes you just made. This will serve as the cooking rack in the sterno can stove.

Remove the bottom of the tin can. Both ends of the tin can must ultimately removed so that once the sterno is lit, you can slide the tin can over the sterno.

Flatten any sharp parts of the tin can using pliers. You've made a lot of jagged cuts into the tin can. Take a moment to squeeze the pliers around these jagged cuts so that you don't cut yourself.

Light the sterno and cook your meal. After the sterno is lit, slide the tin can oven over it. Then place soup, beans or other food items on the stove and eat them when hot.

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