Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

How to Exterminate Ants From Your House

    • 1). Sprinkle the outdoor perimeter of your home with light amounts of borax detergent. Borax is a natural deterrent to carpenter and other types of ants, and many ants will not cross the perimeter in order to enter your home. This will help prevent additional ant invasions while you exterminate the ants already inside your home.

    • 2). Set traps at each location where you have noticed ant activity. For example, if the ants have been seen throughout your kitchen, place ant bait traps in the pantry, behind the refrigerator and next to any garbage cans.

    • 3). Leave the ant bait traps in place for as long as necessary (or as long as they last). Most ant bait traps will last up to 90 days.

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