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Internet Transactions and Identity Theft

Online shopping is convenient thing to do.
It offers the convenience of shopping and comparing products and prices without having to go through one store to another and wasting your time walking down the street.
It has become a very attractive option for a lot of people because of its convenience.
However, you cannot be entirely sure that all your transactions are done safely and that your credit card information goes only to where you intend them.
Why is it important to secure your internet transactions? For the very simple reason that you can be a victim of identity theft when you shop online.
There are cases when a backdoor program enters your computer inauspiciously which then records your keystrokes or opens up your computer to the World Wide Web, thus exposing you as a vey attractive victim for identity theft.
Here are some tips to ensure that you have transactions on the internet that are safe: 1.
Stored-value cards are card that you can use to buy specific products with specified, loaded dollar amounts 2.
Smart cards double up as your debit or credit cards and stored value cards 3.
Point of sale devices like your cell phones and PDAs 4.
E-wallets are becoming very popular nowadays 5.
Other online payment services like PayPal Despite these payment options, people still opt to use their credit card for purchases.
Then again, you have to be sure that you take extra steps to make sure that your purchases are secure and reliable.
Use the latest internet browser.
A browser is a program that you use to surf the internet.
Typically, these software save built-in capabilities.
Using the latest browser will ensure that you will be using the latest encryption technology which, secures your transactions online.
There are independent services like VeriSign who will authenticate the identity of the site that you are visiting.
You can try to check out their digital certificates because most legitimate companies have valid digital certificates.
Websites who use the VeriSign services will typically have the VeriSign logo and when you click on it, you will be assured that the website that you are currently seeing is not a clone but rather an authentic website.
Cloned websites are typically put up to collect your personal and financial information.
Use only one credit card for all your online purchases so that in case the website where you shopped is ha ked, they can only access one of your credit cards.
Unless you know who you are dealing with, do not give out passwords or user ID information.
These can be used by identity thieves to take advantage of your account.
Ask them why or how they will use your User IDs before you give them out.
You need to keep your own record of your online purchases.
When your monthly bill arrives, you can then crosscheck the purchases that you made with the receipts that you have.
This will guarantee that you will only pay for the purchases that you make.
If there are any discrepancies, call your credit card company immediately.

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