Online Income – 3 Ways To Actually Make Residual Income Online
The Internet is one of the greatest ways to make money without putting in too much effort. Unfortunately, due to this supposed lack of effort required, people are throwing money away at business opportunity after business opportunity, racking up more and more debt and not showing a penny for it. They might have made a few sales here and there, but nothing that could hardly be called an income. Before you key in your credit card details into the next get rich quick scheme, let's put our thinking caps on. What do you think it takes to have a real online income?
1. Sell a $20 item to 500 people or a $,5000 item to two people
You've actually got to think about how the income breaks down and whether it is realistic in the first place. There are so many of these business opportunities that promise you $10,000 in a month with a few hours of work a day. Well, you could achieve it in one of the two ways above.The methods that so many of these business opportunities teach usually focus on the former approach: make lots of sales where your revenue is a lot lower. What's the problem with this? It's a lot more competitive usually. There are ways to sell higher-priced items to fewer people and still make the same amount of revenue. The pros usually won't tell you what they are, though.
One of these high-priced items is websites. They can sell for $1000s and regular people do make a comfortable living selling them too.
2. Your Marketing Has To Be Somewhat Automated
I say somewhat because I think that complete marketing automation is pretty hard to achieve. It's a lot easier to have a marketing engine where you put something in and get something out, where the input is usually ad spend and the output is customers.
If you're going and writing articles every day, I wouldn't say that this is automated. Once the input stops, the output stops as well. It also requires a lot of effort on your part, unlike spending money on ads.
Having a fine-tuned squeeze page that attracts customers into your sales funnel that simply requires them to click your ad to fall into the rabbit hole will allow you to focus on converting instead of hard-selling.
3. Make Every Person Who Spends Money With You Spend Every Month
An online income has to be coming in every month. Don't bust your backside making tiny affiliate commissions where you only get paid once. Find an affiliate program that will pay you month after month for sales that you make once.
This is the real secret to making money online (and offline, for that matter). If you can find a way to get your customer to realize that they absolutely must have whatever it is you're offering them month after month after month, you know that you really are building a business and not simply treating IM as a hobby.
You shouldn't have to buy another 30-page e-book to realize that you probably know enough about business to start making an online income already. Sometimes, the hardest part is getting started but once you take action and treat IM like the business that it is, every extra step you take is so much more exciting than the next.
1. Sell a $20 item to 500 people or a $,5000 item to two people
You've actually got to think about how the income breaks down and whether it is realistic in the first place. There are so many of these business opportunities that promise you $10,000 in a month with a few hours of work a day. Well, you could achieve it in one of the two ways above.The methods that so many of these business opportunities teach usually focus on the former approach: make lots of sales where your revenue is a lot lower. What's the problem with this? It's a lot more competitive usually. There are ways to sell higher-priced items to fewer people and still make the same amount of revenue. The pros usually won't tell you what they are, though.
One of these high-priced items is websites. They can sell for $1000s and regular people do make a comfortable living selling them too.
2. Your Marketing Has To Be Somewhat Automated
I say somewhat because I think that complete marketing automation is pretty hard to achieve. It's a lot easier to have a marketing engine where you put something in and get something out, where the input is usually ad spend and the output is customers.
If you're going and writing articles every day, I wouldn't say that this is automated. Once the input stops, the output stops as well. It also requires a lot of effort on your part, unlike spending money on ads.
Having a fine-tuned squeeze page that attracts customers into your sales funnel that simply requires them to click your ad to fall into the rabbit hole will allow you to focus on converting instead of hard-selling.
3. Make Every Person Who Spends Money With You Spend Every Month
An online income has to be coming in every month. Don't bust your backside making tiny affiliate commissions where you only get paid once. Find an affiliate program that will pay you month after month for sales that you make once.
This is the real secret to making money online (and offline, for that matter). If you can find a way to get your customer to realize that they absolutely must have whatever it is you're offering them month after month after month, you know that you really are building a business and not simply treating IM as a hobby.
You shouldn't have to buy another 30-page e-book to realize that you probably know enough about business to start making an online income already. Sometimes, the hardest part is getting started but once you take action and treat IM like the business that it is, every extra step you take is so much more exciting than the next.