Technology Electronics

How to Melt Iron for Testing

    • 1). Place scraps of iron into a Hessian clay crucible. A crucible is a round bowl-shaped tool that may have a lip under which the tongs are placed for easier lifting.

    • 2). Heat the forge until it reaches approximately 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit.

    • 3). Place the crucible inside the forge using the tongs.

    • 4). Heat the iron until it melts. The crucible will reach a white color that will notify you that the metal is most likely done melting.

    • 5). Remove the crucible from the forge by picking it up with the tongs and set it upon a Hessian clay table or workspace.

    • 6). Test the metal quickly, for molten metal testing, as the metal will cool and begin to solidify in about 30 seconds.

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