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What Model Train Information You Need

Before you start building a model train layout you will need a lot of information.
You have a lot of decision to make about your layout.
Model train information can be found several different ways.
You can subscribe to magazines on train modeling, or go to the library.
Most libraries have model magazines you can read for free.
Also you can find model train books on any type or gauge of model train you may want to model.
One of the most popular model magazines is the Model Railroader.
This magazine began publication in 1910.
Get as much information as you can, before beginning your layout.
All of these books and magazines just give ideas of what you can model.
It will be left up to you to decide what you are going to model.
The first thing you need to decide is what scale you are going to model in.
This may be decided by the amount of space you have for your layout, or it could be decided by maybe a train set that you may already have.
Also this could be decided just because you like a certain size train.
This is for you to figure out.
You are the one in control.
Once you decide what scale you need you can narrow you information down to this scale.
You can find books on just the scale you are modeling or you can buy books that cover all scales.
Model trains come in many different scales.
The smallest is Z scale.
This scale has a ratio of 1:220.
The N scale is next with a ratio of 1:160.
The most popular scale is HO which stands for half of O.
This scale has a ratio of 1:87.
The O scale has a ratio of 1:48 and is twice the size of HO.
The next scale is a very popular scale for outdoor modeling.
This scale is the G scale also known as the Garden scale.
There are many scale smaller, larger, or in between theses scale but, these are the most popular.
Now that you have your scale, you will need to find a track plan and decide what type of terrain your train will be running through.
You can find a ton of books with track plans.
Also you can even find free track plans from many track manufacturers.
Atlas model train manufacturer even offer free software to design you own layout.
This software is designed for you to use Atlas track.
Once you get you track planned, you will need to model the surrounding area of your layout.
You can model forest, fields, meadows, rivers, mountains, farms, towns, and even city landscapes.
When building your layout, remember that a railroad needs a reason to exist.
For example you might want to model a coal mining operation.
Your train would be hauling coal to a coal processing plant.
Another thing you could model would be a passenger train hauling people from one town to another.
You would need passenger stations where you passengers could get on and off of the train.
These are things you need to consider when you start modeling your layout.
The most important information is to always have fun.
Thank you, Steve Barnett.

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