Health & Medical Hypertension

Natural Remedies For Your Hypertension

With all of the horrible side affects, and dangerous risks of traditional prescription medication, more and more people are looking for natural remedies to help control or cure their hypertension.
Some natural remedies will work, and will be approved by your doctor, while others will not.
Before you use any natural remedy for hypertension, make absolutely sure that you discuss that remedy with your doctor.
Some natural remedies can be dangerous when combined with medications that you are already taking, and this can essentially be fatal.
Of course, if you are already on medication for hypertension, discontinuing the medication in favor of a natural remedy can also be quite dangerous.
In terms of natural remedies, try to avoid herbal treatments that are not approved by the FDA.
Instead, use the natural remedies that your doctor recommends, such as a proper diet and exercise.
Also leave unhealthy habits, such as tobacco usage, behind.
These are the most natural things that you can do to help control or cure your hypertension.
Start by cutting specific foods out of your diet, such as salt, fried foods, junk foods, dairy products, caffeine, refined foods, and sugar.
Drink plenty of water and start eating fresh fruits and vegetables - especially garlic, whole grains, onions, nuts and seeds, and cold water fish.
You need a diet that is high in potassium and low in sodium.
You also need additional vitamins and supplements, such as calcium, Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin C, and Flaxseed.
Talk to your doctor to find out how much of these vitamins and supplements that you need each day, and the sources that he recommends that you get these essential vitamins and supplements from.
If you really want to try some herbal remedies, again, make sure that you check with your doctor first.
As mentioned, onion and garlic are good for lowering the blood pressure, but you can also use Hawthorne, Mistletoe, Coleus Forskohlii, and Rauwolfia.
Finally, take measures to control and reduce stress.
Meditation, yoga, and massages are all highly recommended, and typically will not interfere with any treatment that your doctor has already prescribed.
What you must realize is that while medication can help to control hypertension, it isn't a catch-all.
You will still have to make lifestyle changes - particularly to your exercise and diet plans - in order to win the war against hypertension.
If you use natural remedies, or alternative treatment, always clear it with your doctor first.

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