Technology Networking & Internet

How to Install ActiveX & Java


    • 1). Save the ActiveX component in a directory on your hard drive. You can create a new directory, or keep the ActiveX control in a common area such as the "System32" Windows directory.

    • 2). Click the Windows Start button and select "Run." Type "cmd" into the text box and click the "OK" button. This opens the Windows command prompt.

    • 3). Enter "regsvr32 <control_name>" into the command prompt. Replace "<control_name>" with the location and name for the ActiveX control. For instance, the following statement registers "MyControl" and installs it on the system:
      regsvr32 c:\mycontrol.ocx
      This installs, registers and makes the ActiveX component available in your Web browser.


    • 1). Download and save the Java ZIP file to your hard drive. After the download is completed, double-click the file to extract the installation files to a directory on your hard drive and start the install process.

    • 2). Select "Install" at the opening license agreement screen. By clicking "Install," you agree to the license agreement for the Java software.

    • 3). Select a directory to install the Java software. The installation is a small process, and it should only take a few seconds to complete. Click the "Close" button at the final window to complete the installation.

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