Quilling for Beginners
- To begin, set up your work area so you'll have all your tools at your disposable. For a basic project you'll need a package of pre-cut quilling strips in any color, clear-drying craft glue, Q-tips and a slotted quilling tool. This type of quilling tool is much easier for beginners than the needle quilling tool. It contains a slot to hold the paper as you wind so you won't be fumbling to keep the paper on the tool.
Begin by placing the end of a strip of quilling paper into the slot on the quilling tool. Wind the tool in a tight circle until the entire strip is wrapped around it. Dip a Q-tip in craft glue and dab it on the inside of the loose end of the paper. Continue to wind the paper so the end is glued down and allow it to dry. This creates a tight circle. For a looser circle, remove the paper from the quilling tool while holding it in place. Let it unwind slightly and then glue the end down. - To create shapes from the strips of paper you have just rolled, squeeze them between your fingers to mold them into the perfect shape. To create a leaf, squeeze both ends to a point. Squeezing only one end creates a raindrop or a flower petal. Experiment with different shapes to see what combinations you can create. Practice making spirals by twisting one end of a strip of paper around the quilling tool until you reach the middle. Slide that end off and twist the other end in the opposite direction. This creates a loose spiral to add flare to any project.
- For your first project, create a design for the front of a simple card using a thick paper such as card stock. Attach the shapes you've made by applying glue to the bottom of the paper shapes with the Q-tip and pressing them onto the card. Arrange petals to create a blossoming flower and place leaves around the petals. Use a tight circle for the center of the flower. Add raindrops or spirals to liven up the card. To create a sunny card to brighten someone's day, arrange several yellow circles into a bigger, circle-shaped cluster and add spirals around them for the sun's rays. Write a personal message at the bottom and the card is finished.